Thursday, June 21, 2018

Day 9

What have you already done with computing and technology? Include what you did these last two weeks.

I have done YWiC before and have worked with programs such as Java, Python, Lilypad, Arduino, HTML, and others. Last week I worked with MIT App Inventor and coded a virtual piano app. This week I’ve been working on a Star Wars text adventure story on using Python code.

Describe your Interest in Computing and Technology.

Before I did YWiC I didn’t really have an interest in computing and technology. When I started learning how to code it became something I enjoyed.

Describe ANY leadership positions you have had in school and/or community.

I participate in many leadership positions at my church. I also have been in many clubs at school and have done choir in which I have shown leadership.

Describe your career goals in detail. What do you want to accomplish? Why is your career goal important to you?

As of right now, I’m not sure exactly which direction I want to go with for my career. I enjoy lots of different things like teaching, taking care of kids, music, singing, piano, coding, and other computer science applications. I would hope that my career will include being able to teach/work with people. I want to change the world in any way I can with my talents and the things that I enjoy. I think it would be great to do computer science in college and possibly do a career with coding. My career goals are important to me because these things are what would make me happy throughout my life.

Define a problem that is currently a problem in the world. How could technology solve the problem?

A problem in the world today would be pollution and littering. Our world is becoming more and more polluted because of our everyday lives as humans and being careless. Technology could help solve these problems by continuing to develop technology that can reduce the amount of pollution, such as producing cars that do not pollute the air and finding new ways to dispose of trash.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day 8

1. Provide an overview of your project/artifact.
(For example, I designed a video game using Scratch programming where the player, or snowman,
has to catch 5 snowflakes and avoid the flying flames.)
I am creating a Star Wars adventure story using Python code on The user is able to choose their character and play the game as that person, making choices within the story as they go, which follows the Star Wars story.

2. What did you plan to learn from your project? Did you meet this target?
I wanted to learn how to code within Python because it's something I haven't really done before. I met this target.
3. What computer science concepts did you use in your project?
(Variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, lists/arrays, methods, etc.)
I am using many conditional statements within my code. Since there are so many choices the user can make, there are many if-else statements in my project.

4. What computational thinking principles did you use in your project?
(Abstraction, algorithms, correctness, efficiency, iteration or loop statements, variables, etc.)
I used correctness and efficiency in my project because the code in my project will not run without correct terms and efficient use of terms.

5. How does your project relate to the “real” world? What did you learn or use that will
help you outside the classroom?
My project will help in the future if and when I code with Python so that I can code other things and teach others how to code.

6. In your project, what did you particularly want others to notice?
I want others to notice the effort that was put into my project.

7. What would you improve if you could do this over again?
I'd want to continue with the story more.

8. Does this project reflect the effort you put into it? Why or why not?
Yes, this is because I worked hard to learn this coding language and to make this adventure story.

Fun blog prompt: 
If you could spend a day with any celebrity who would you hang out with? (Even though it's more than one person I would really want to meet the 5 members of my favorite band, Avenged Sevenfold.)

I would want to hang out with Taylor Swift for a day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 7

1. Provide an overview of your project/artifact.
(For example, I designed a video game using Scratch programming where the player, or snowman,
has to catch 5 snowflakes and avoid the flying flames.)
I am creating a Star Wars adventure story using Python code on The user is able to choose their character and play the game as that person, making choices within the story as they go, which follows the Star Wars story.

2. What did you plan to learn from your project? Did you meet this target?
I wanted to learn how to code within Python because it's something I haven't really done before. I met this target.
3. What computer science concepts did you use in your project?
(Variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, lists/arrays, methods, etc.)
I am using many conditional statements within my code. Since there are so many choices the user can make, there are many if-else statements in my project.

4. What computational thinking principles did you use in your project?
(Abstraction, algorithms, correctness, efficiency, iteration or loop statements, variables, etc.)
I used correctness and efficiency in my project because the code in my project will not run without correct terms and efficient use of terms.

5. How does your project relate to the “real” world? What did you learn or use that will
help you outside the classroom?
My project will help in the future if and when I code with Python so that I can code other things and teach others how to code.

6. In your project, what did you particularly want others to notice?
I want others to notice the effort that was put into my project.

7. What would you improve if you could do this over again?
I'd want to continue with the story more.

8. Does this project reflect the effort you put into it? Why or why not?
Yes, this is because I worked hard to learn this coding language and to make this adventure story. 

Fun Blog Prompt:
If you could be the voice of an animated character, who would it be?
I would want to be Rapunzel from the Disney movie Tangled. I would love to play the role of a Disney princess and feel that I could do Rapunzel very well.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Day 6

What have you already done with computing and technology? Include what you did these last two weeks.

I have already worked with many programs such as Lilypad, App Inventor, and HTML. I have learned how to code within these programs.
Describe your Interest in Computing and Technology. 

I like learning about how to code in different programs and being creative with in.

Describe ANY leadership positions you have had in school and/or community. 

In school I have participated in many clubs where I helped lead the meetings. I have been in a club called Youth Alive, which is a Christian club at school where I was a leader. In my youth group at church I have been a leader and I have been a section leader for choir.

Describe your career goals in detail. What do you want to accomplish? Why is your career goal important to you? 
As of right now I’m not sure exactly which direction I want to go with for my career. I enjoy lots of different things like teaching, taking care of kids, music, singing, piano, coding, and other computer science applications. I would hope that my career will include being able to teach/work with people. I want to change the world in any way I can with my talents and the things that I enjoy. I think it would be great to do computer science in college and possibly do a career with coding. My career goals are important to me because these things are what would make me happy throughout my life.

Define a problem that is currently a problem in the world. How could technology solve the problem? 
A problem in the world today would be pollution and littering. Our world is becoming more and more polluted because of our everyday lives as humans and being careless. Technology could help solve these problems by continuing to develop technology that can reduce the amount of pollution, such as producing cars that do not pollute the air and finding new ways to dispose of trash.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Day 5

1. Provide an overview of your project/artifact.
(For example, I designed a video game using Scratch programming where the player, or snowman, has to catch 5 snowflakes and avoid the flying flames.)

For my project I decided to work with MIT App Inventor and I created a Virtual Piano. All you do is tap the keys to play the piano.

2. What did you plan to learn from your project? Did you meet this target?

I wanted to learn how to code sound within App Inventor and I did learn how to do this.

3. What computer science concepts did you use in your project? (Variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, lists/arrays, methods, etc.) 

In my project I used procedures/methods to play the sounds.

4. What computational thinking principles did you use in your project? (Abstraction, algorithms, correctness, efficiency, iteration or loop statements, variables, etc.)

I used controls and procedures in my project so that when a certain image was touched, a certain sound would play.

5. How does your project relate to the “real” world? What did you learn or use that will help you outside the classroom?

My project relates to the real world because it could help others learn how to play the piano virtually. I learned how to code more with MIT App Inventor which can help me in the future to teach others or to work on other projects.

6. In your project, what did you particularly want others to notice?

I want others to notice how much work was put into the project.

7. What would you improve if you could do this over again?

If I had more time with this project I would definitely add more keys to the piano and possibly other screens that teach you how to play songs.

8. Does this project reflect the effort you put into it? Why or why not?

I would say yes, I put a lot of effort into this project. There were some issues with actually making the finished product work and when we had no wifi I couldn’t work on it at all. But I did my best with the time I had and worked hard.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day 4

Add more information to the following questions: 

What have you already done with computing and technology? Include what you did these last two weeks.
I have already worked with many programs such as Lilypad, App Inventor, and HTML. I have learned how to code within these programs. 

Describe your Interest in Computing and Technology. 

I like learning about how to code in different programs and being creative with in.

Describe ANY leadership positions you have had in school and/or community. 

In school I have participated in many clubs where I helped lead the meetings. I have been in a club called Youth Alive, which is a Christian club at school where I was a leader. In my youth group at church I have been a leader and I have been a section leader for choir.

Describe your career goals in detail. What do you want to accomplish? Why is your career goal important to you? 
As of right now I’m not sure exactly which direction I want to go with for my career. I enjoy lots of different things like teaching, taking care of kids, music, singing, piano, coding, and other computer science applications. I would hope that my career will include being able to teach/work with people. I want to change the world in any way I can with my talents and the things that I enjoy. I think it would be great to do computer science in college and possibly do a career with coding. My career goals are important to me because these things are what would make me happy throughout my life.

Define a problem that is currently a problem in the world. How could technology solve the problem? 
A problem in the world today would be pollution and littering. Our world is becoming more and more polluted because of our everyday lives as humans and being careless. Technology could help solve these problems by continuing to develop technology that can reduce the amount of pollution, such as producing cars that do not pollute the air and finding new ways to dispose of trash.

Fun Blog Post: 
If you could be on any tv show (Netflix show), what would it be? Why? What character would you play?

I think it would be really cool to be in the show Stranger Things, and to play the character Eleven or Nancy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 3

Define a problem that is currently a problem in the world. How could technology solve the problem?

A problem in the world today would be pollution and littering. Our world is becoming more and more polluted because of our everyday lives as humans and being careless. Technology could help solve these problems by continuing to develop technology that can reduce the amount of pollution, such as producing cars that do not pollute the air and finding new ways to dispose of trash.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Day 2

Describe your Career goals in detail. What do you want to accomplish? Why is your career goal important to you?
As of right now I’m not sure exactly which direction I want to go with for my career. I enjoy lots of different things like teaching, taking care of kids, music, singing, piano, coding, and other computer science applications. I would hope that my career will include being able to teach/work with people. I want to change the world in any way I can with my talents and the things that I enjoy. I think it would be great to do computer science in college and possibly do a career with coding. My career goals are important to me because these things are what would make me happy throughout my life.

Fun Blog Prompt: 
If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
If I could be any animal I would be a dolphin. This is because they are fast, free, and I love the ocean.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Day 1

Describe ANY leadership positions you have had in school and/or community.
In school I have participated in many clubs where I helped lead the meetings. I have been in a club called Youth Alive, which is a Christian club at school where I was a leader. In my youth group at church I have been a leader and I have been a section leader for choir.

Continue answering:
--What have you already done with computing and technology? (Can include what you are currently doing)
I have already worked with many programs such as Lilypad, App Inventor, and HTML. I have learned how to code within these programs.

--Describe your Interest in Computing and Technology.
Why you came to this camp?
I like learning about how to code in different programs and being creative with in.
What you want to get out of it?
I gained knowledge about these programs that I can use later and to help others learn. I also have items and programs I can use in my own life (tote bag with Lilypad, website with HTML, etc).
What have you already accomplished in computing and technology?
I have completed several Lilypad projects and learned how to code within Java and Python.
What might you do with computing and technology in the future?
I can help others learn about computing in the future.

FUN Blog Prompt: 
What is a random fact about you?
I love to ride my bike and also Ripstik.